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My name is Rachel McCurry...

My goal with this blog is to help my fellow diabetic students who are trying to experience life to the fullest. I spent a year living on a college campus 12 hours from my family and am currently spending this fall semester in London, England. I have held jobs, gone to school, participated in extracurriculars, traveled, and experienced things I never thought I would. Diabetes is a hurdle, not a wall. I want to encourage you readers, whether you are diagnosed or know someone who is, to understand that diabetes does not have the power to stop people. It’s something that we have to learn how to deal with effectively so that despite the challenges that arise from the disease, we can live BIG. Management is key, and I’m learning that more and more through new experiences and challenges. So join me as I recount stories, offer advice, and jump the hurdles to get the best view of life while living with diabetes.

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